New Phones and Driving Rules

New Phones and Driving Rules

New rules are being introduced on 25th March to outlaw the use of mobile phones whilst driving.

Touching Phones is no longer allowed whilst driving

New laws will make it illegal for drivers to handle a phone for any reason whilst driving.

This will include touching the screen to scroll a music playlists, browse the internet, look at apps or take photos and selfies. Handling your phone will now land you a £200 fine and 6 points on your licence.

The new rules will also apply when stopped at traffic lights or whilst sat in a queue of traffic. There are of course exemptions to make 999 calls when there is no safe place to pull over and also using the phone to make payments at tolls and drive-throughs.

Motorists can also be punished for touching a phone in a cradle if police deem the driver's level of driving has suffered.

The use of built in car systems is still acceptable.

The minimum punishment for being caught handling a phone at the wheel is a £200 fine and six penalty points, although this could escalate to as much as £1,000 and a driving ban in worst cases. 

Baeufort Raglan

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