Monmouthshire Announces Plans for World's First Sheep-Powered Renewable Energy

Monmouthshire Announces Plans for World's First Sheep-Powered Renewable Energy

An ambitious project has been launched today, that if successful will create 95% of Monmouthshire's power by 2026- all thanks to sheep.

Plans will be outlined today, for the development of the world's first sheep-powered renewable energy plants at several farm locations across Monmouthshire. The project, being launched by Fleece Energy in conjunction with the local authority aims to harness the natural grazing behavior of sheep to generate clean energy.

Sheep Power to power Monmouthshire
One of tne new Power Sheep on a farm outside Raglan

Specialised harnesses equipped with miniature turbines will be attached to the sheep, allowing them to generate electricity as they roam freely across the countryside. Fleece Energy spokesman, Frank Powerstein, said of the project, "We are very excited to bring Powersheep to Wales and particularly Monmouthshire. With sheep, standing for much of their time, in open fields, the potential to utilse the free wind that blows around their bodies is enormous. The other advantage, of course, is that power lines and pylons are normally very close by and will be a short cable length away from the 'Power Sheep."

He went on to say, "By 2026, Monmouthshire will be full of sheep-powered energy. We will have a future where fluffy companions roam the hillsides as eco-friendly energy producers."

The project is expected to take two years to complete, with most the time being spent attaching sheep to nearby power cables. All street lighting and public buildings will be expected to be the first to benefit from Sheep power.

The Welsh Governement has hailed the project as a massive step forward towards finding a sustainable power source for the future of Wales and plans to run out the project across Wales by 1st April 2029.

Published April 1st, 2024

Baeufort Raglan

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